Rangers best player have decided to leave and never return

Rangers best player have decided to leave and never return

The workload hasn’t gone away as John Gilligan takes on the unenviable task of rebuilding the football club’s structure with a new CEO of the utmost importance.


Speaking on The Rangers Review’s morning briefing for the 19th of September, journalist Chris Jack provided an update amid fears that Gilligan was having to start from scratch

:It’s not quite rip it up, start again and back to writing chief executive officer at the top of a piece of paper and going again.


“There are some names on their radar, people who were involved in the process before through the recruitment agency.


“They will have another chance to have a crack at it.The only names out in the open are Jim Gillespie, who has already been ruled out and Adrian Bevington.


Bevington is a name that has caught the eye due to his extensive experience with the FA and openly threw his hat into the ring for the vacant position revealing that he has already held talks with the board

.If Rangers want to mix it with the big boys at the top table, they need a heavyweight operator with a similar CV to Bevington, if not better.


Rangers need a heavyweight CEO to turn Old Firm table

Peter Lawwall might be many things, but his connections and influence within the walls of UEFA, the SFA and SPFL can’t be disputed.


Rangers need someone similar.


Gilligan’s tenure could well be brief, but it could be as important a chairmanship as any in the last 20 years.

Gilligan’s tenure could well be brief, but it could be as important a chairmanship as any in the last 20 years.


Should he appoint the right CEO, Rangers could go to the next level domestically and on the continent

.If he gets it wrong, the status quo of playing second fiddle and the never-ending cycle of replacing managers will only get worse.


Without leadership, no big organisation can function properly, and Rangers have a severe lack of it in the boardroom and the football department.





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